




Start Mapping Whitepaper

A bad system will beat a good person every time.

W. Edwards Deming

business scholar, writer, and engineer

About Xperius

Xperius is about leveling the field by giving good people a way to fight back against bad systems. Although this journey has just begun, our team brings a great deal of experience in this problem area. Our passion is giving researchers, data-driven designers and product people, and content marketers the tools they need to build a better system, share that system, and help use that system to build better products.

Our journey

After years spent seeing advances being made in design systems and working with advocates and detractors about getting serious with regard to data-driven product design and development, founder Will Ryan flung his corporate badge aside. He knew that the time was right to aid researchers in telling their stories.

The company was founded earlier this year in 2024. But, the passion and the experience for the problems have been something our team has worked on for at least a decade. After seeing these problems emerge consistently at a dozen different corporations, our intrepid team has been honing their approach by aligning disparate personas, linking networks of journey maps, building and promoting UX metric programs, and perfecting research systems to allow the best insights to bubble to the top.

Our team

At present the team is made up of a husband and wife team, Will and Heather Ryan. This duo brings an extreme focus on all things research, a passion for great design, an eye for the intricacies of systems thinking, and empathy for what folks in this industry are facing.

Will Ryan, Founder, designer, researcher, strategist

Heather Ryan, Researcher

Our philosophy

The Xperius team believes that all design, research, product, and marketing is about creating a story. There are stories we tell our customers, our stakeholders, and ourselves. We seek to build tools that help people tell those stories.

Our process flows from our core values at the end of this page. Talk and listen with practitioners, build artifact models that represent and improve upon those situations, prototype, assess, and build. We use storytelling through storyboards, personas, journeys, and ecosystems to unite problems and solutions, identify opportunities for or product, and highlight latent insights about the process.

Looking ahead

We are a currently pre-release product and in an early stage of design and development. We seek to make quick strides on those designs, seek out feedback from those in this industry who could benefit most from this, and connect with the community.

We want to be the storytelling engine that enables the product world to make the best possible, informed, data-driven decisions.

Core values

Empathy: Y'all are why we do this.

Be bold: Take the first step, go where others haven't, and provide value by being different.

Innovation: Make a difference by understanding the problem differently.

Start small: We believe in taking one step at a time and getting diagnostic feedback as we go.

Are you ready to be part of our story? Contact us to learn more about how we can help you transform your ideas into reality.

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Start Mapping Whitepaper